quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2009


Paranoid Android by Radiohead é uma das mais belas e poéticas canções dos anos 90 do séc XX e seu vídeo clip uma autêntica obra de arte e artesanatos de linguagens que nos lançam ao deslocamento mais intenso e profundo que a linguagem musical pode nos proporcionar em seu dizer do indizível em meta linguagem...


if... in my head... now...

A chuva cai sobre mim

me desligando de todas

as vozes

que me dizem o mundo

em introspecção e segredo...

"Posso ser paranoico,

mais não um androide..."

Fique longe de mim...

não me diga a comum realidade

de caos e multidões.

Tudo que existe

é um modo dissimulado

de aprendizado de solidões...


Please could you stop the noise,

I'm trying to get some rest

From all the unborn chicken voices in my head

What's that...? (I may be paranoid, but not an android)

What's that...? (I may be paranoid, but not an android)

When I am king, you will be first against the wall

With your opinion which is of no consequence at all

What's that...? (I may be paranoid, but no android)

What's that...? (I may be paranoid, but no android)

Ambition makes you look pretty ugly

Kicking and squealing gucci little piggy

You don't remember

You don't remember

Why don't you remember my name?

Off with his head, man

Off with his head, man

Why don't you remember my name?

I guess he does....

Rain down, rain down

Come on rain down on me

From a great height

From a great height... height...

Rain down, rain down

Come on rain down on me

From a great height

From a great height... height...

Rain down, rain down

Come on rain down on me

That's it, sir

You're leaving

The crackle of pigskin

The dust and the screaming

The yuppies networking

The panic, the vomit

The panic, the vomit

God loves his children,

God loves his children, yeah!

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